Welcome! You've landed upon my website because you are seeking authentic
community and global engagement, or you want to better equip your cross-cultural or
multigenerational team effectively for the 21st century workforce.
Everyone has a story. It's in the intersections of our stories where the spice of life is found. I am a connector; joining people and their passions in near and far corners of the world. I specialize in global education, arts integration, and diversity training. My expertise is in bridging the cultural diversity gaps (racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, religious, and generational) that negatively affect relationships in the workplace, faith communities, and educational environments. I develop and deliver customized programs to address the needs and goals of organizations in
our rapidly changing and highly interconnected world.
Contact me for:
- Arts-integrated Education
- Cultural Competency Training
- Global Service Learning
- Global Education Consulting